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SPPS Athletes Compete in State Tournaments

SPPS Athletes Compete in State Tournaments

On February 29th Donovan Timmerman represented the HUMWOW (Humboldt, Washington, and OWL) swimming cooperative at the state high school diving meet. Donovan finished in the top 20 in the state for Class A and was the first representative from the HUMWOW cooperative to compete in the state competition. 

Photo on right: (Left- Noah Linstad- Center, Coach Johannah White- Right- Donovan Timmerman) 

On March 1st and 2nd, Humboldt wrestlers represented SPPS at the state wrestling tournament. Po Si Si (12) fought hard at a very difficult 121-pound weight class but was eliminated after his second defeat. Bran Tajia Looggins (12) placed third in the state at the 190-pound weight class! The Humboldt community is very proud of these wrestlers, diver and coaches for their accomplishments this season. 

Po Si Si begins the match! 

BranTajia in the third-place match! 


BranTajia takes 3rd place in the state at 190!