Housing Design Tech.
Course Description:
In this course, students will demonstrate the understanding of housinginteriors in relation to the elements and principles of design. Throughvarious projects, students will create living spaces to meet the needs offamilies throughout the life cycle. This course requires students to usea variety of resources to increase their understanding of architectural,housing, and furnishing designs.
FACS1/FACS Foundations
This course is designed to provide students with an array of essential life skillsthrough classroom instruction as well as practical experiences in labs.Students will be introduced to topics in the areas of Personal Development,Family/Child Development, Foods & Nutrition and Clothing Care/Sewing.
Culinary Arts 1
Students using technical reading skills will prepare basic foodsand explore related careers in this introductory course. In addition, studentswill apply nutritional guidelines to help establish healthy eating habits andfood choices. In a foods lab, they will prepare foods by reading and usingrecipes, choosing appropriate equipment, following safety and sanitationprocedures, and investigating career options.
MultiCultural Foods
Course Description:
This course is an introduction to the diversityof foods in our culture. Students learn how foods from diverse culturesarrived in the United States,where they originated, how they are prepared and served, and how they meet thedietary guidelines for individuals.
AVID 9/10
Course Description:
AVID (Advancement ViaIndividual Determination) is offered as an elective course that preparesstudents for entrance into four-year colleges. There is an emphasis on analytical reading, writing, math, preparationfor college entrance and placement exams, study skills and test taking,note-taking, research, and collaboration skills.