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Welcome to the Humboldt Agriculture Department

 “Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve”- The FFA Motto

Our goal is to use hands-on learning to “Grow and Fabricate” the leaders of tomorrow.


Description: In the world of Agriculture Food and Natural Resources, students learn skills in growing and harvesting their own food, raising animals, landscape design, construction, and Agricultural mechanics and Engineering. 

Department Lead: Andrea Nthole

Mr. Brad Novacheck:

Ms. Andrea Nthole:

Humboldt's FFA Organization: Future Farmers of America

Our New FFA Officer Team for the 2024-2025 School Year.

President: Neenah Mork

Vice President: Tin Than Dar Oo

Vice President: Ramla Mohamed

Secretary: Maung Thoo

Treasurer: Steven Osborne

Reporter: Ashley Tapia

Sentinel: Amileydi Moreno Flores

Historian: Alex Vang


Huge shout out to our Honorary Chapter Degree Recipient Claudia Reeve. Claudia has assisted in times of need for our FFA Chapter by serving as a regional judge contests, assisting in coaching students in our Espanol contests, and serving our FFA students in various tasks.  


FFA News: April 2024-95th Annual Minnesota State FFA Convention.

 Our kids continue to be exposed to real life career paths in the Ag industry. This year, our students had the opportunity to compete and receive recognition for their work throughout the school year. 

Please help by recognizing these individuals for the efforts in their categories of Agri-Science for State FFA Science fair, State CDE (Career Development Event) Contest, and LDE (Leadership Development Event) contests.


State Agri-Science Finalists:

Ramla Mohamad took Second Place in the Individual Power, Structural, and Technical Systems Division. Her project involved finding sustainable renewable cost-effective mechanical energy sources. 


Ashley Tapia was the runner up for her project in the individual Environmental Services/Natural Resources Division. Her project was titled "The Crucial Role of Composting and Soil Organic Matter in Sustainable Gardening."


Tin Than Dar Oo and Neenah Mork were the state runner-up for the team Environmental Service Systems/Natural Resources pathway. Their project focused on Invasive Species and managing Zebra mussels. 


Maung Thoo and Eh Ger Ler Dah WON the team division in Power, Structural, and Technical systems. Their project focused on Enginering with Harnessing Kinetic Energy from Sustainable resources. 


CDE State Qualifying Team: 

Milk Quality, Dairy Products, Technology

Humboldt also had a State Qualifying CDE team. While this team was not a State Finalist this year, we applaud the efforts of these three Students. Neenah Mork, Tin Than Dar Oo, and Simone Diffendal. 

LDE State Winner: Spanish FFA Creed 

This event brings joy to our hearts and is exactly why Andrea and I do what we do for kids. The FFA Creed is a 5 paragraph declaration statement that every FFA member learns and studies. The Creed is a set of beliefs that every agriculturist believes in order better serve our country/society, our family, and our communities. It is the foundation of every FFA member. 

As we all know society is changing, language is changing, and our students are changing. Therefore, our State FFA has began a new era in creating an inclusive contest for our Spanish speaking population here in Minnesota. With great honor and pride Andrea and I would like to Share that Nayra Zamudio Bravo is the inaugural winner of the first all Spanish State FFA event. Nayra will have the honor of representing our great State at the National FFA Convention this coming fall.

Thank you all for the support of our FFA members. It is a privilege to work with the kids.


Thank you and as Always #GO HAWKS FFA!!!


Humboldt's AG Department proudly puts together AG Day: An all day event that showcases the world of agriculture, allowing our kids to have some hands-on experiences with AGRICULTURE!!!   

  • Activities for students to participate in, 
  • Interact with farm animals and test their knowledge.
  •  Practice mechanical skills woods and welding
  •   Drive the garden tractor, check out machinery 
  • Ag olympics events 
  • And More……

Classes Offered During the 2024-2025 School Year!

Food Science-HS

Sustainable Food Production-HS

Construction and Design - HS

Horticulture - HS

Small Animal Care and Management - MS

Exploring Agriculture -MS

Into to Your Environment

Intro to Agriculture-HS

Intro to Welding (Stick and MIG)-HS

TIG Welding and Cutting Systems-HS

Natural Resources - HS

Landscape Design-HS

Small Engines-HS

AG Mechanics and Technology-MS